Os voy a dejar una lista de las preguntas más típicas, y algunas no tan típicas, que si llevais bien preparadas os ayudarán a pasar la entrevista sin problemas!!
Questions about yourself
Hay que tener en cuenta uqe aunque te pidan que les cuentes sobre tí o sobre tu vida, en realidad lo que le interesa al entrevistador es tu vida laboral y tus habilidades para el puesto, así que sáltate lo de "I was born in ..." y ve directo al grano. Describe tus habilidades y tu trayectoria profesional. Véndete!!!- Tell me about yourself
- How would your friends describe you?
- What is the most interesting thing you've done in the past three years?
- Tell me an anecdote of your life where you succesfully solved a problem.
- Tell me about an interesting article you recently read in the newspaper. (No es un pregunta muy usual, pero vale la pena llevaarla preparada, por que les dirá mucho sobre tí y tus intereses)
- What you'd want me to know that i's not in your C.V?
- What kind of task and responsabilities motivates you the most?
- What is your greatest strength? and your weakness?
- Why should I hire you and no the next candidate who walks in the door?
- What kind of people drive you crazy?
Questions about your qualifications/previous jobs
Aunque te pregunten sobre trabajos anteriores intenta siempre relacionar las respuestas con el puesto y la compañia a los que aspiras, de esta forma demostrarás tu interés y tus conocimientos.
- What have you learned from your previous jobs?
- What specific skills have you acquired or used in previous jobs?
- Were you supposed to supervised someone else's work?
- What's your most creative project?
- What did you like/dislike about your previous job?
- What is your biggest accomplishment?
Questions about your education
Como siempre, ten en cuenta que no están realmente interesados en tu vida, sino en lo que puedes aportar a la empresa y al puesto.
- Why did you study ---? What other career seemed interested to you?
- What courses you enjoy the most?least?
- Tell me about your extracurricular activities during school. What do you believe you gained from these experiences?
- What was your most gratifying experience of your life as student?
- Are you planning on continuing your studies in any way?
- If you were to go back and start your studies again, what would you do differently?
Questions about your understandig of the job/company
Es el momento de demostrar toda el trabajo de investigación previo, demuestra que conoces la compañia y el puesto, y si tienes alguna duda, pregunta.
- What do you know about our company/position?
- What do you like about working here?
- Whay did you apply for our organization?
- Do you have the skills to work in this position/company?
- What criteria are you using to evaluate the organization for which you hope to work?
- Who else are you interviewing with? What do you think about them?
- Do you have any geographic preferences?
- Would you be willing to move a different city or country or travel frequently?
- What are your long term goaals? How do you think you'll achieve them?
- What are your salary expectations for this position? And in five years?
- Whare do you see yourself in five years?
- Who can give us references and recommendations from your previous jobs?
Y como no es lo mismo leer las preguntas que escucharlas, os dejo un enlace dónde podreis prácticar entrevistas en inglés: my interview simulator.
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