jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

modal verbs 2

·         Must

11.       Cuando estás seguro de que algo es verdad

You’ve been travelling all day long. You must be tired.

* Pero cuando estamos seguros de que algo no es posible usamos CAN’T

You’ve just lungh. You can’t be hungry already

22.       Cuando algo es necesario (desde el punto de vista del hablante)

She’s a really nice person. You must meet her

33.       En negativo significa que es necesario no hacer algo (prohibición).

Keep the secret. You mustn’t tell anyone.

·         Have to

11.       Cuando hay una regla o situación que hacen que algo sea necesario.

My eyesight isn’t very good. I have to wear glasses.

22.       En negativo significa que no es necesario hacer algo

I’m not working tomorrow so I haven’t to get up early.

33.       Pasado de MUST

I have a stomach-ache I must go to the hospital I had a stomach-ache so I had to go to hospital.

·         Needn’t

1. Al igual que haven’t to, significa que no es necesario hacerlo.

I’m not working tomorrow so I needn’t to get up early.


11)      In Britain many children _________ wear uniform when they go to school.
22)      When you come to London again you_________ come and see us.
33)      Last night John became ill suddenly, we ________ call a doctor.
44)      I afraid I can’t come tomorrow. I __________work until late.
55)      We couldn’t repair the car ourselves. We ________ take it to a garage.
66)      He ____________(not) wear a suit to work.
77)      Whatever you do you _________________(not) touch that switch. It’s very dangerous.
88)      You ______________(not) forget what I told you. It’s very important!
99)      I ________________(not) eat too much. I’m supposed to be on diet.
110)   We have enough food at home so we ___________ (not) go shopping today.
  1. Have to
  2. must
  3. had to
  4. have to
  5. had to
  6. needn't/haven't to
  7. mustn't
  8. mustn't
  9. haven't to 
  10. needn't/haven't to
Artículos relacionados:

Modal verbs-1: Can, could, be able to
Modal verbs-3: May/might, should/ought to


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