lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

modal verbs 3

·         May/might

11.       Cuando existe una posibilidad (puede que/podría ser)

It may/might be true

22.       Pedir permiso, pedir a la gente que haga algo o dar permiso (+ formal que can/could)

May I use your telephone, please?

33.       Cuando hablamos de situaciones imaginarias SOLO podemos usar MIGHT.

If I knew him better I might invite him to dinner.

·         Should/ought to

11.       Dar un consejo o una opinión. Normalmente va precedido por I THINK.

You look tired. You should go to bed.

22.       Cuando existe algo en el presente que nos indica lo que debería de ocurrir

She’s been studying hard for the exam, so she should pass it

33.       Cuando algo no ha resultado como nosotros creíamos.

We should be there by now

44.       Despues de los verbos:  SUGGEST, PROPOSE, RECOMMEND, INSIST  y DEMAND

They insited that we should have dinner with them


11)      I’m not sure what sort of car I’m going to buy, I ________buy a Mercedes.
22)      We lost the match but we __________ win. We were the better team.
33)      Don’t make too much noise. You ________ awake the baby.
44)      What a beautiful view! You ___________ take a photo.
55)      Where do you suggest I__________ go for my holidays?
66)      I don’t think we _________ throw that letter away. We _______ need it latter.
77)      Sue never walks, she __________(not) use his car that much.
88)      I don’t want children playing in this room. They __________ break something.
99)      You ________ be careful os that dog. It ________ bite you.
110)   Liz needs a change. She ________ go away for a few days.

  1.  might/may
  2. should/ought to
  3. might/may
  4. should/ought to 
  5. should/ought to
  6. should - might/may
  7. shouldn't
  8. may/might
  9. should - might/may
  10. should/ought to

Artículos relacionados:

Modal verbs-1: Can, could, be able to
Modal verbs-2: Must, have to, needn't

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